Rather than having to pay someone to do it for you, you can learn the necessary skills that will allow you to create a professional-looking site . Web design is easy to learn, even though it may seem so at first. The following tips will help you understand just how to do all of that. Choose the right graphic formats for your web designs. JPEG works best for photographs. Look at your site you are designing in many different browsers. What you see on your end may not be what others are seeing on other browsers. Make sure you understand the popular browsers. You will also want to send your website from a variety of different operating systems so you can see how it looks as well. Make sure that a prominent tagline on your site A tagline is a motto or statement that expresses what your business focus. This will give the average user knows if they want to stay and explore a quick first impression of what you're about. Don't make page sizes any larger than necessary. Users w...